Find your sound

One App,
Endless Audio

The ask

An international audio technology company produces a vast array of sound solutions, from telephone and home cinemas to professional suites for broadcasting and studio mixing.

They wanted a practical way to showcase the potential of their sound to customers looking to compare and combine products.

Showcase sound potential Showcase sound potential

What we did

We created a software solution that connects the clients’ CMS to a mobile app with a built-in video player. The video player is capable of playing different audio types which are called codecs. Essentially, the clients’ employees can now pre-load an existing video into the app to show their customers how the video sounds when different types of their audio products are applied.



The process

This was a BackOffice and mobile app integration, with the added ability to cast to Google Chromecast.

In the backend, we created a React+Bootstrap application that simplifies the creation of demo campaigns for customers, setting default player parameters for each media file and presenting all of the different capabilities they have for processing audio.

The mobile application presents content related to a particular campaign and integrates internally with their SDK, showcasing the full spectrum of their current capabilities. This allows the user to switch products in real time by applying audio filters and processors that enhance the quality of sound on the phone or tablet they are using for the demo.



Enhance the quality of sound Enhance the quality of sound


Now, users of this software can play video content and switch between different combinations of the clients’ audio products for an instant comparison. The CMS also allows users to vote on features or products they would like to see from the company next.



Are you looking to deliver a project like this? Get in touch

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