Making Credit Scores Accessible

Deciding whether or not to investigate their credit score can sometimes be a tricky decision for many banking customers. Many customers go through this process when they are looking to apply for a new financial product such as a mortgage, a loan, or an insurance policy. But the very act of finding out what their credit score is can actually cause some damage to it. This, in turn, can go on to reduce their chances of being accepted for their application. 

A large retail bank wanted to address this pain point. They wanted to give their customers more visibility, control, and assurance over their own credit scores. We got involved and became a technical partner in the development of a web and mobile app. This app allows customers to see their credit score without impacting it at all. That’s not all; this application also investigates any contributing factors that could be reducing it.

What did we do?

We developed an app which offered customers full support and compliance with Transunion, as well as other internal compliances that were required to ensure that the app could access users credit reports, all while keeping their sensitive information safe and secure.

A single-page web application developed in Angular allows users to access all functionality – similar to the mobile application – from desktop browsers too, so it has full functionality across multiple devices.

How did it help?

There are many ways this app can help their customers, all while protecting their credit scores. We’ve written a case study to show the full process of what we did along with the positive impact of this new custom software.


Read our Success Stories to discover how we’ve helped businesses across a range of industries to unlock the value of their data with A.I. enabled automaton.

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