Thought Leadership

Intelygenz highlighted in Forbes “Generating ROI For Business Owners” hotlist

Clock 30/10/2024

Businesses are falling over themselves to announce that they’re implementing AI into their processes and services. But it’s one thing to tick that box with an experimental foray into a standalone, non-integrated tool, and quite another to implement applied artificial intelligence in a positive, planned way that not only makes your people want to use it, but that really delivers in terms of ROI.

For us at Intelygenz, that’s the only way. The key, as President of Intelygenz USA Chris Brown explained to Forbes for its feature 8 Ways AI Is Generating ROI For Business Owners, is “getting staff on board with the vision”.

“We focus on change management alongside implementation,” Chris adds, targeting “20–30% productivity gains and 15–20% cost reductions” for clients.

Get your team bought in and share in the project’s success. Automate one process, prove the ROI, then roll out to other areas.

It’s an approach that resulted in a 20% saving on operational costs for a logistics client we partnered with recently. It could do the same for your business too.