Intelygenz Gets a Makeover

Intelygenz Gets a Makeover

Do you ever wake up in the morning wishing something were different? Your hair, your jawline, the bags under your eyes? Well, Intelygenz has had that kind of morning – and we decided to do something about it.

We set out to transform our image. We wanted it to look and feel like our fun, casual, talented staff. We wanted somewhere to showcase their hard work, awesome results, and brilliant innovations.
We wanted somewhere to showcase their hard work, awesome results, and brilliant innovations.
We wanted to streamline Intelygenz communications and clearly display our offerings.
The new look needed to be flexible enough to allow for future business development. Plus, it needed to allow new ventures to sit comfortably under our existing name. Our brand needed a visual lift, stronger visual identity, and graphical consistency in a saturated market.

We used lively and vivid colour gradients to make the brand visually arresting and fun at the same time. We also added a darker slate base to display the serious work and tough tech challenges that underpin our offering. Work hard, play hard, right?

At Intelygenz, we look forward to rolling out a ton of fun collateral with our refresh over the coming months.

Check out more of our new look on our brand-new website.

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